Xbot 360

12 Feb

So the past week my friend’s xbox360 red ringed (died). He tried to take it apart and revive it, but it was no use, it had died beyond repair. Instead of just throwing it out, I thought I could resurrect it in the form of a killer attack robot, the Xbot 360!

It’s all made out of parts from the xbox, and I put some red and blue lights in it to give it an RvB twist; plus this way it’s still red ringed.

2 Responses to “Xbot 360”

  1. Osmosis November 23, 2010 at 7:21 am #

    I like how the 2 fans keep his seminal data at a safe low temperature.

    • godlesspaladin November 23, 2010 at 9:08 pm #

      Yeah, keeps everything nice and cool down there. 🙂

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