
Hello everybody, and welcome to The Shattered Lance! This is my crafts website where I post all the various projects I’ve built/ am working on.

Growing up my friend and I were always building things. First with legos, then with wood and steal. We would build boats, go karts, film cranes, you name it. At the same time I started working with cold steel to build a suit of armor for my medieval living history group.

I really enjoy working with my hands on cool artsy projects. All of these projects I do just for fun, but if you see something you like I am willing to sell it to you. Also, if you can think of something you’d like made, e-mail me at theshatteredlance@gmail.com I take commissions and can get back to you with a quote.

A lot of the time you wouldn’t be able to guess how much work goes into each project, that’s why I take step by step pictures of all the minute details.

My major interests are medieval, steampunk, and gaming, but I am open to anything!

Thanks for stopping by! ^_^

–The Shattered Lance

PS. I also run a shop on Etsy! http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheShatteredLance

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